Welcome Evan Engler – Digital Marketing Strategist
There’s a new Shark in the Tank and we’re thrilled to introduce him! Evan has only been here for a couple of days but has already impressed us with his desire to learn, his professionalism, and his kindness.
Evan has a passion for digital marketing which can be tied back to the eCommerce company he started this past year. Since then, he’s had the opportunity to grow on his marketing knowledge through work in the financial industry and he’s now looking forward to continuing to grow and sharpen his skills as a Digital Marketing Strategist. He’s already won over our entire office and we’re certain you’ll enjoy meeting him too. Without further adieu, let’s introduce you to Evan.
Welcome to the AdShark team! We couldn’t be happier to have you joining us. Can you give our readers a brief description of what you’ll be doing for us?!
I have the opportunity to manage digital advertising campaigns for our amazing clients! Helping grow local and nationwide businesses through the power of digital media.
You have one sentence to describe yourself… GO!
A small(ish) town kid with big dreams to see the world and live out my dreams.
Cool! Now let’s see what you can tell us with a few more sentences. Tell us a little bit more about you.
My entire life I lived in Fargo until I moved to Southern California for school. I studied Business Marketing and played a lot of basketball and spikeball during college. I love playing sports, meeting new people, traveling, and trying new things.

What drew you to accepting a position at AdShark?
AdShark’s values and company culture caught my attention very quickly. The friendliness of everyone there was something I had yet to experience in a work environment.
What’s your goal for your first 90 days of employment?!
- Memorize everyone’s names in the office, along with driving the best results possible for our clients.
- Challenge myself, and ask a lot of questions to learn as much as I can.
- To look back at all of the questions I had during my first few weeks at AdShark and think ‘those were such silly questions to ask.’
A genie comes up to you to grant you three wishes. At first, you’re startled. What’s a genie doing here? Eventually, you get over it and make those three wishes. What are they?
- To have perfect health my entire life.
- A jet to fly anywhere in the world whenever I want.
- To be able to go back in time to meet Kobe Bryant.

You seem to be a big basketball fan. If you could go one-on-one against any NBA player, living or dead, who would it be?
Kobe, because he was not only my favorite player growing up but he also used to coach his daughter’s middle school team at my university and I always wish I would have talked to him.
Are you a morning person or night person? What’s your favorite way to start your day and end your night?
I am much more of a morning person than I am a night person. My favorite way to start my day is by watching Steve Irwin wrestle some alligators, then end my night by shooting hoops.
If you could get rid of having to do any household chore ever again, which would you choose to get rid of?
What’s your favorite family tradition?
We make a very old family recipe of Swedish Meatballs for Christmas Eve dinner.
(note from the writer: “Hey Siri, please set an alarm for December 24th for me to remember to invite myself over to the Engler Family Christmas.)
We thought it was awesome to hear that you started an eCommerce business this past year. This is your chance to plug it to our blog viewers! Tell us about the company you started.
The company I started was called “TurboFlex.” It’s a silly name my sister came up with for a store I created that sold in-home workout equipment. I currently have the store paused due to lack of time I have to commit to it. My full attention is here at AdShark and I plan to keep it that way for a long time!
And, of course, what’s your favorite type of shark?
My all-time favorite shark has to be the Whale Shark. One of my biggest dreams is to swim with them in the Philippines with my dad one day.

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