Welcome Kenna Krchnavy – AdShark’s New Creative Strategist!

We can’t wait to introduce you to our newest Shark, Kenna Krchnavy! She visited AdShark as a guest speaker in September to talk about her amazing social media knowledge, and it was love at first sight! Her bright personality and impressive skillset had us in awe, and we knew we wanted her to be a Shark. We created a brand new position – Creative Strategist for Kenna to thrive in! We know this role will suit her just right, and we can’t wait to see all of the amazing things she’ll bring to our team.

Kenna has only been here for a few days, and she is already getting familiar with our processes and fits in perfectly! We just had to sit down with her and hear more about her background and interests. So, drum roll please, welcome Kenna and hear more about her below!


We’re so happy to have you here, Kenna! What piqued your interest at AdShark and made you want to work with us?

I have always admired the work of AdShark from afar but after building a closer relationship with the team  via CampusFM, I realized what really differentiates this team from other agencies – the culture. The flexibility, innovation and inherent authenticity of the individuals on this team sets apart not only their client relationships and internal work but also the atmosphere cultivated in their space. 

You have one sentence to describe yourself… GO!

 A lover of all things tasty, comfy and visually enthralling. 


Cool! Now let’s see what you can tell us with a few more sentences. Tell us a little bit more about you.

 I’m a 25-year-old queer woman currently residing in Fargo, North Dakota, with a passion for storytelling and human connection. I’m particularly enthusiastic about sustainability, interior design, plant-based wellness, and the human experience.

I create content on various platforms as @mkennajoe with a focus on interior design, human expression and mindfulness, though I’ve created paid content for various niches including fashion, tech, beauty, travel, wellness and fitness.


In the past ten years I’ve grown a presence on multiple social media platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest. In 2023, I obtained a business partnership with Bytedance (TikTok) to manage and train talented creators to produce high-converting advertising content. Additionally, I’ve worked in the AI space and for UGC agencies to facilitate creator and brand relationships.

Some other things that make me well… who I am (outside of work) are my seven younger siblings, having grapheme AND ordinal linguistic synesthesia as well as my four year old australian shepherd Keelua. In my spare time you can find me collecting garbage for my journal, waddling through the woods with my dog or maybe even listening to jazz music while I redesign my apartment for the 76th time. 


You’re known as an influencer in the online social media scheme, tell us, what made you want to start making content, and what inspires you most?

From as early as I can remember I’ve been addicted to taking photos, my most prized possession at age 10 being a 2009 canon digital camera. However, I started making content in mid 2015 on Instagram when the vibe was SUPER curated photoshoots and excessive lightroom edits. There wasn’t really a ‘want’ to make content per say, I just always found myself capturing moments and sharing them was a natural byproduct of the rise of social media at the time. However, overtime, I’ve fallen in love with strategically sharing moments to resonate with those moving through life in a similar fashion to myself. 


We created a brand new role for you at AdShark called Creative Strategist!  What excites you the most about your new role?

 I’m a creative at heart (or maybe at the eyes?) but most definitely strategically minded when it comes to execution and application. I’m STOKED to have the opportunity to blend those two passions while creating, helping others learn and of course absorbing the knowledge of the fellow creatives and strategists around me. 

Rumor has it that you’re a plant lover with a green thumb (which we could really use around the office hehe) With that being said.. Which plant is your favorite?

 I am rather fond of my green friends and picking a favorite is frankly, a monumental task. However my pride and joy is my ten foot tall Philodendron Squamiferum!! She’s got extremely mature leaves and fuzzy petioles (aka the stems) – she’s visually perfect but texturally as well!


If you could have any superpower for a day, what would you pick and why?!

Not sure what superpower in particular this is but I would love to wield the elements. Having water, fire, air, earth at my whim would be an immense convenience and excellent party trick. 

If you could give anyone a piece of advice who wants to start making content, what advice would you give?

While it’s nothing revolutionary, just start!! The number one thing I tell aspiring content creators is to start creating and KEEP doing it over and over and over and over! Repetition and reiteration is the best way to learn at an accelerated rate. Plus you’ll always be your biggest critic so don’t stand in your own way!

If you had to delete all social media platforms except for one, which one would you keep, and why?

Hands down Pinterest. It’s the least comparative by design and hosts all of my favorite memes, homes, and adornments. It’s my most used social media app by far.

A new movie is coming out about your life. Who would you cast as the lead role to play yours truly?!

 This is a question I’ve literally always struggled to answer but I’m going to say Maya Hawke simply because I think she’s stellar. 


And, last but not least, what’s your favorite type of shark?

I had a significant shark phase as a child and was particularly attached to lemon sharks so I’ll stick to my roots.

Kenna, we’re so happy you’re on the team, and we can’t wait to see all of the big things you’ll do here! If you want to send a warm welcome to Kenna, feel free to send her an email at kenna@adshark.com. In the meantime, thanks for reading our blog and we look forward to introducing you to another Shark soon! Toodles!

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