Meet The Crew

These Sharks don’t shiver, they overdeliver.

AdShark’s goal is to act as an extension to your marketing team. Think of us as the Robin to your Batman, the Goose to your Maverick, the Chewbacca to your – okay, you get the point. Meet the team that will help grow your business!

Meetthecrew Auxilarypage Hero Illustration
Rickberg Headshot
Rick June2023 Flatlay Sized

Rick Berg

CEO  |  Co-Founder

Sean Web Headshot
Sean June2023 Flatlay Sized

Sean Maki

President  |  Co-Founder

Whitneyjensen Headshot
Whitney June2023 Flatlay Sized

Whitney Jensen

Director of Marketing

Jack Teamphoto2021
Jack June2023 Flatlay Sized

Jack Yakowicz

Director of Operations

Mikemulvaney 2023headshotbw Sized
A collection of Mike Mulvaney's favorite things that define him.

Mike Mulvaney

Manager of Web Services

Chris Teamphoto2021
Chris June2023 Flatlay Sized

Chris Jensen

Digital Marketing Strategist

Aubrey Teamphoto2021
Aubrey June2023 Flatlay Sized

Aubrey Hovland

Digital Marketing Strategist II

Justin Teamphoto2022
Justin June2023 Flatlay Sized

Justin Monroe

Lead Strategist

Bri Teamphoto2022
Bri June2023 Flatlay Sized

Bri Lee

Senior Digital Creative

Samanthacarver Headshot
Sam June2023 Flatlay Sized

Samantha Carver

Digital Creative

Robb Teamphoto2022
Robb June2023 Flatlay Sized

Robb Vedvick

Video Producer + Editor

Kylee Teamphoto2022
Kylee June2023 Flatlay Sized

Kylee Meier

Digital Marketing Strategist

Nickloock Headshot2023 1
Nickl June2023 Flatlay Sized

Nick Loock

Senior Digital Creative

Gavin Teamphoto2021
Gavin June2023 Flatlay Sized

Gavin Longthorne

Lead Strategist

Vanessa Teamphoto2023
Vanessa June2023 Flatlay Sized

Vanessa Blanchet

Digital Creative

Karina Headshot Nov2023
Karina April2024 Flatlay Sized

Karina Acosta

Email & Content Strategist

Kate Headshot2023
Kate April2024 Flatlay Sized

Kate Schaefer

Digital Marketing Strategist

Callie Teamphoto2024
Callie May2024 Flatlay

Callie Stonecipher

Digital Creative

Brier Teamphoto2024
Brier Oct2024 Flatlay Sized

Brier Gurholt

Digital Marketing Strategist

Untitled 2
Kenna Oct2024 Flatlay Sized

Kenna Krchnavy

Creative Strategist

Micah Headshot
Micah March2025 Flatlay Sized

Micah Gallagher

Digital Marketing Strategist

Nick Ring Web Headshot
Ring March2025 Flatlay Sized

Nick Ring

Digital Marketing Strategist


Kseniia Web Headshot
Comingsoon Flatlayplaceholder

Kseniia Gaidamukha

Digital Marketing Intern


Xyle Teamphoto2024
Comingsoon Flatlayplaceholder

Xyle Altura

Digital Creative Intern

Want To Be A Shark?

See our open positions, apply, or just reach out and let us know you’re interested!