#SharkSwim: January 2022 Recap

If you came here for shark puns, you’re out of luck – those are SO last year

Ok, I’m gill-ty for lying to you
 these blogs would be no-fin without the bad puns. Welcome back to another #SharkSwim recap!

Holiday Party!

Collage of images from the AdShark Holiday Party

What’s a shark’s favorite event? The Carnival!

Actually, our favorite event is the AdShark Holiday Party! To kick off the new year, the AdShark team gathered at Moorhead Billiards to celebrate the past year’s accomplishments, compete in a pool tournament, and hand out the world-famous Sharky Awards. Congratulations to Gavin and Hanna for winning the pool tournament!

Giving Sharks Day Winner: Youthworks!

graphic showing the ads AdShark Marketing made for Youthworks for Giving Hearts Day

Who delivers presents to baby sharks on Christmas? Santa Jaws!

Who donates $1,500 cash, $1,500 in ad spend, and a FREE kick-ass Giving Hearts Day ad campaign to a local non-profit? AdShark does! After asking local non-profits and charities to apply for our #GivingSharks package, we announced Youthworks as the winner!

Youthworks is a local non-profit dedicated to provided services for runaway, homeless, and trafficked youth by connecting them with emergency care, counselors, peer mentors, and more! Be sure to check out their website, instagram, and Facebook, and be sure to donate to them this Giving Hearts Day. 

HUGE thank you to the 80+ local non-profits that applied to win the #GivingSharks package – it was so hard to pick just one!

Sharks Hit The Gym!

Image of the AdShark team working out

You might be thinking: “Oh boy, am I on the GymShark website?😍” 

Nope – this is still the AdShark crew
 at the gym.

This past month, a few of the AdShark team members got together once per week to attend BodyPump classes to get after those New Year’s resolutions. Be on the lookout for us at this year’s Corporate Cup! Also, shoutout to Creative Manager Nick Due for bringing the BICEPS to our group picture!


Graphic showing the wordle website with "Shark" filled in as the answer

Hey Alexa, what’s a 5-letter word for an awesome digital marketer? Oh, I remember!

This past month, the AdShark team has jumped on the Wordle craze, resulting in a friendly competition amongst the team for who can solve the daily Wordle in the fewest tries. Shoutout to Digital Marketing Strategist Evan Engler for guessing it right on the first try last week! I’m still a little suspicious of that

Creative Feature: Livewire!

graphic showing an ad AdShark Marketing made for Livewire

What does a hammerhead’s boss say when they do something perfectly? You nailed it!

Just like the hammerhead shark, our creative team absolutely nailed this ad for Livewire! Livewire is an audio, video, lighting, staging, scenery, and event production company based right here in Fargo and operating nationwide. Long story short, if you have an event, big or small, in-person or virtual, you should be hiring Livewire to produce it. While I’d love to hammer on about how awesome Livewire is(see what I did there?), I’ll let Creative Manager Nick Due tell you more about this ad:

“My favorite ad from our team this month is this ad from our designer, Sam, and copywriter, Eric. It’s a very simple ad that communicates a big, complex message in an elegant way. Livewire’s branding is eye-catching and Sam’s use of negative space and image editing result in a really attractive and pleasing ad. The black border helps me focus in on the imagery and the bold headline is placed in such a way where it is unmissable without being distracting. The copy is brief and punchy. It gets a big message across using minimal real estate — something that is a major challenge!”

Nick Due, Creative Manager

Thanks, Nick!

The Shark Wave Channel for January 2022

Have you listened to Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” enough yet? I know I have. Ditch the holiday music and get your new year started off with some fresh jams by following this month’s #SharkWave playlist:


Thank you for reading this month’s #SharkSwim recap! Remember to give us a follow on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and come back next month for more celebrations, stories, company events, and more!

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