#SharkSwim: July 2022 Recap

duuuunnnn duun… duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun…

What’s lurking off in the distance? It looks like… oh no… Fall.

Welcome back to another #SharkSwim blog, everyone! Even though Summer is nearing the end and Fall is sneaking up on us, it always feels like the sun is shining here at AdShark. Let’s check out last month’s birthdays, anniversaries, company events, and more!

Welcome Back, Kylee!

AdShark marketing welcomes back Kylee Larson as a Digital Marketing Strategist

To kick things off, we wanted to start by welcoming Kylee Larson back to the AdShark team as a Digital Marketing Strategist. Kylee interned with us back in the Summer of 2020 and has since graduated from college, gotten engaged, and has also done some traveling. We’re ecstatic to have her back and you should be, too! Find out why by reading this blog.

Birthdays + Anniversaries!

AdShark Marketing celebrates Digital Marketing Strategist Kylee Larson's birthday

This July, we celebrated the birthday of Digital Marketing Strategist Kylee Larson during her first week back with us! After celebrating with some sandwiches from Which Wich, we got Kylee settled into her desk as an official AdShark employee. Happy birthday, Kylee!

AdShark Marketing celebrates Digital Marketing Strategist Evan Engler's anniversary

We also celebrated the 1-year anniversary of Digital Marketing Strategist Evan Engler working with AdShark. Since starting with us, Evan has brought more than his unique taste for snacks, his love for Kanye, and his basketball skills to the company. He also brought with him a desire to provide his clients with the best service possible. Thank you for everything you do, Evan!

AdShark Week!

AdShark Week 2022 header image

It’s the most wonderful time of the year 🎶

We celebrated everyone’s favorite holiday this past month… AdShark Week! With all the treasure hunts, shark sightings, giveaways, and more, there was something for everyone at this year’s AdShark Week. We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the AdShark Week festivities and congratulations to the treasure hunters and giveaway winners! Learn all about AdShark Week here.

Creative Feature: Eventide!

image of an ad AdShark Marketing produced for Eventide Senior Living Communities in Fargo, North Dakota

This month’s creative feature is a recent ad we made for Eventide Senior Living Communities. Take it away, Nick!

For this month’s creative feature, I choose this heartwarming ad our Digital Creative & Photographer, Christina Knutson, did for Eventide Senior Living Communities. The purpose of the campaign as a whole was to highlight that for elderly individuals, Eventide is not like most senior care centers. They work hard to foster any and all interests and lifestyles so that residents truly love calling Eventide their home. Christina did a great job of capturing a really beautiful moment between two sisters who live at one of the Eventide locations. The ad really had me wanting to know “smore” about them. Great work, Christina!

Nick Due, Creative Manager

Thanks, Nick!

The Shark Wave Channel for July 2022

Do you have any end-the-summer road trips planned? Well here’s a boppin’ playlist to help you pass the time! Tune in to this month’s #SharkWave playlist:


Thank you for reading this month’s #SharkSwim recap! Remember to give us a follow on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and come back next month for more celebrations, stories, company events, and more!

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